Independence Day Parade

Dear Band Families,

Independence Day Rehearsal Today (Friday) and Parade Tomorrow (Saturday)!  See details from the previous email below. 

Looks like we’ll be missing the bad weather and It will be good to see everyone!


Kyle Wellfare

Director of Bands

Caledonia High School


Dear Band Families,

On Saturday July 1Caledonia will be hosting its annual Independence Day Parade.  We realize many families

travel during this holiday, but if you are still in town we need you to participate in this parade!

(this includes incoming freshman)  BONUS: Parents/community/alumiif you play a band instrument you are able to join us for this parade as well! 

It’s short and the music is easy!


Friday, June 30

6:00pm -6:45pm - Short rehearsal at CHS Band Room to review music. 

(if you can’t make the rehearsal, but can make the parade just let me know)

Saturday, July 1

9:30am-10:00am - Band Room Open to get instruments (if you didn’t take them the

night before at the rehearsal)

10:20am - Meet at Parade Staging area (by Tennis courts at Duncan Lake)

10:30am - Short Rehearsal by Tennis Courts

11:00am - PARADE

11:30am - Approximate end time - get picked up.  Once parade is done students will

find their ride.  I will publish the end location of the parade once I receive further information,

but we usually end by the village hall on Maple St. 


Red, White and Blue Patriotic.  Shorts and Tennis Shoes (not sandals).  


Grand Old Flag (music attached. for this parade we will ONLY be playing Grand Old Flag)


Hope everyone has had a great summer so far,

Kyle Wellfare

Director of Bands

Caledonia High School
