Announcements Week of June 17

Below are your Marching Band Announcements for the week of June 17.

-Trailer maintenance and washing will be happening on Tuesday June 18!  Please look
For an email on Monday with times and needs.
-Calendar can be viewed online here. You can learn how to Sync it with your
Own calendar by clicking here.
-Independence Day Parade is our next performance.  All Students who are
Available and any Community Adult Musicians are welcome to join us for this
Short, fun event! Info Below. This includes incoming freshman who are available.
-email lists are still  being finalized. If this message doesn’t apply to you please be
Patient as we get everyone sorted out.  Thank You!


Rehearsals this week:
June 18 - Drumline Section Rehearsal - 7:00-8:30pm - CHS Band Room
Performances/Events this week:
None -

Upcoming Performances*/Rehearsals/Events:

June 28 - Independence Day Parade Rehearsal - 6-7pm - CHS Band Room
June 29 - Independence Day Parade - 9am Call Time - 10pm Parade

A list of our events will be added here shortly. Click link above for calendar.

Interesting Links: