Friday Football Update

Due to EEE the Kick-Off for the football game this Friday has been changed to 

A full itinerary for the day will be sent shortly, but plan on the following leading 
Up to kick-off.

3:00pm - Uniform Room Opens
3:45pm - Call Time - RTP in full uniform
4:25pm - March to Stadium
4:52pm - Pre-Game
5:00pm - Kick-Off

Announcements Week of September 30

Below are your Marching Band Announcements for the week of September 30.

-Home Football this Friday - Please note that with EEE concerns there may
Be some adjustments to our football schedule this Friday. Please check your
Email often this week for any updates.
-Monday Rehearsal - Please note the following adjustments to our Monday 
Rehearsal due to EEE and Conferences.
Colorguard: 6-8pm - Indoors w/staff
Percussion: 6-8pm - Indoors w/staff
Wind Players - No rehearsal
-Great Job students on Saturday at Kenowa, and thank you to all our volunteers
Who make these events possible!
-Remember to look at the Calendar if you haven’t recently. CLICK HERE
-CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Ball who got married on Saturday!


Rehearsals this week:
Sept. 30 - Drumline - 6pm-8pm - CHS
Sept. 30 - Colorguard Section Rehearsal - 6pm-8pm - CHS
Oct 2.  - Colorguard Section Rehearsal 6pm-9pm- CHS
Performances/Events this week:
Oct. 4 - Home Football Vs. Rockford - 5:45-9:30 (approx)
Itinerary: (subject to change - see above)
4:15pm - Band Room Opens
4:30pm - Drumline Warm-Ups/ColorGuard Warm-Ups
5:00pm - Uniform Room Opens for changing
5:45pm - RTP (ready to play) on Practice Field in Full Uniform
6:25pm - March to Stadium
6:53pm - Pre-Game Performance
7:00pm - Kick-Off
9:15pm - Approximate game end and march back to school
9:30pm - Approximate Pick-Up

Upcoming Performances*/Rehearsals/Events:

Click link above for calendar.

Interesting Links:

Bus Help

Dear Marching Band Families,

We are currently in need of 2 more parents to ride the bus to Kenowa.

These are positions that MUST be filled.  Please consider signing up.  
CLICK HERE to sign-up.

All you need to do is check of names when they get on.  

Good Kids. Easy Job. Free admission.

Volunteers for Kenowa

We are still in need to volunteers for riding the bus, uniforms, pit crew, snacks and water.

Anyone bring water or snacks can drop them off on the cart that will be in the hallway
outside the band room on Saturday Morning.

Student Bus Sign-Up


Please CLICK HERE to sign-up for a bus for Saturdays Invitational performance.

Sign-up by the beginning of  5th macro today.  You will be assigned at 
That point if you have not yet signed-up.

Freshman Game Volunteers Today

We are requesting 1 more volunteer for this evenings football concessions stand.
Please consider helping us out!

Kenowa Hills Invite Itinerary and Info

Below you will find the itinerary and info for the Kenowa Hills “Knight Time Classic” 
invitational this  Saturday, Sept. 28, 2019.

Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.  If you’ve never been to a marching 
Invitational before you will be pleased to be a part of an audience that appreciates and
Cares for every student on the field (even if they aren’t from the same school!)  Ticket 
prices are $7.00 for adults, $5.00 for students and senior citizens, and $25.00 for a family. 
Children five and under are admitted free.


We are in need of volunteers for riding the bus, uniforms, pit crew, snacks and water, etc.

9:00am - Band Room Opens 
9:15am - Colorguard and Drumline Section warm-ups
10:00am - Full Band Rehearsal/Warm-Up at CHS 
11:00am - Load Trailer and Change into Uniforms (bring a sack lunch to eat)
12:00pm -Depart CHS for Kenowa Hills
12:45pm - Arrive at Kenowa Hills/unload trailer
1:15pm - Warm-Up
1:45pm - Move to staging Area
2:00pm - Perform
2:15pm - Return to trailer and load equipment
2:45pm - Return to stadium for last few bands and awards
3:30pm - Approximate Load busses and return to CHS
4:15pm - Approximate return to CHS/Unload Trailer/Return Uniforms
4:30pm - Approximate pick-up time (please park in parking lot)

Full Uniform.  Wear your black season shirt under your jacket. 
Wear tall black socks, no logos.
Wear your marching shoes!

Announcements Week of September 23

Below are your Marching Band Announcements for the week of September 23.

-Kenowa Hills Invitational is this Saturday! Details below and throughout
The week. Volunteer request will come in a separate email. The invitationals
Are the best place to see your band perform! 
-Thank You to our generous volunteers and donors that helped make our long
Homecoming parade and game day great! We couldn’t do it without you!
-Remember to look at the Calendar if you haven’t recently. CLICK HERE


Rehearsals this week:
Sept. 23 - Marching Band Rehearsal - 7pm-9pm - CHS
Sept. 23 - Colorguard Section Rehearsal - 6pm-7pm - CHS
Sept. 23 - Drumline Section Rehearsal - 6pm-7pm - CHS
Sept. 25 - Colorguard Section Rehearsal 6pm-9pm- CHS
Performances/Events this week:
Sept. 26 - JV Concessions Stand Fundraiser - 4:15pm-8:00
Sept. 28 - Kenowa Hills Invitational - 
9:00am - Band Room Opens 
9:15am - Colorguard and Drumline Section warm-ups
10:00am - Full Band Rehearsal/Warm-Up at CHS 
11:00am - Load Trailer and Change into Uniforms (bring a sack lunch to eat)
12:00pm -Depart CHS for Kenowa Hills
12:45pm - Arrive at Kenowa Hills/unload trailer
1:15pm - Warm-Up
1:45pm - Move to staging Area
2:00pm - Perform
2:15pm - Return to trailer and load equipment
2:45pm - Return to stadium for last few bands and awards
3:30pm - Approximate Load busses and return to CHS
4:15pm - Approximate return to CHS/Unload Trailer/Return Uniforms
4:30pm - Approximate pick-up time (please park in parking lot)

Upcoming Performances*/Rehearsals/Events:

Click link above for calendar.

Interesting Links:

Homecoming Itinerary and Volunteers

Below you will find the itinerary/info for Homecoming this Friday!

We are in need of volunteers as well as water and dessert donations! We are 
Also requesting granola bars for a snack between school and parade.

Full Uniform.  Don’t forget tall black socks with no logos as well as your shoes!

3:30pm - Uniform Room Opens
4:15pm - Call Time - Ready to Play for warm-up
4:30pm - March to parade staging area (duncan lake)
5:00pm - Parade (down mainstreet Caledonia)
5:30pm - Approx end of parade - Students fed pizza for dinner at stadium
6:30pm - pre-game warm-up
6:52pm - Pre-game 
7:00pm - Kick-Off
9:30pm - Approximate end of game (HC court announced at end)
9:45pm - Approximate return and pick-up at CHS (return time is variable depending 
On the speed of game play)

It will be hot on Friday and it is a long day, so please start hydrating now, and make 
Sure to eat regularly scheduled, balanced, healthy meals. We will be eating after the 
Parade, but I would encourage everyone to bring a light snack to eat between school
And call time. Granola bars will be available as well.

Announcements Week of September 16

Dear Marching Band Families, 

Below are your Marching Band Announcements for the week of September 16.

-It’s Homecoming Week! Parade and Game on Friday! Important details below
And will be sent throughout the week.
-Thanks to those who volunteered at a successful Scrap Drive!
-Remember to look at the Calendar if you haven’t recently. CLICK HERE


Rehearsals this week:
Sept. 16 - Marching Band Rehearsal - 7pm-9pm - At stadium
Sept. 16 - Colorguard Section Rehearsal - 6pm-7pm - CHS
Sept. 16 - Drumline Section Rehearsal - 6pm-7pm - CHS
Performances/Events this week:
Sept. 16 - Powderpuff Pep band - 6-7pm - stadium - rehearsal to follow
Sept. 20 - Homecoming Parade and Football - CHS - 4:15-9:30
3:30pm - Uniform Room Opens
4:15pm - Call Time - Ready to Play for warm-up
4:30pm - March to parade staging area (duncan lake)
5:00pm - Parade 
5:30pm - Approx end of parade - Students fed pizza for dinner at stadium
6:30pm - pre-game warm-up
6:52pm - Pre-game 
7:00pm - Kick-Off
9:30pm - Approximate end of game (HC court announced at end)
9:45pm - Approximate return and pick-up at CHS

Upcoming Performances*/Rehearsals/Events:

Click link above for calendar.

Interesting Links: