Homecoming Itinerary and Volunteers

Below you will find the itinerary/info for Homecoming this Friday!

We are in need of volunteers as well as water and dessert donations! We are 
Also requesting granola bars for a snack between school and parade.

Full Uniform.  Don’t forget tall black socks with no logos as well as your shoes!

3:30pm - Uniform Room Opens
4:15pm - Call Time - Ready to Play for warm-up
4:30pm - March to parade staging area (duncan lake)
5:00pm - Parade (down mainstreet Caledonia)
5:30pm - Approx end of parade - Students fed pizza for dinner at stadium
6:30pm - pre-game warm-up
6:52pm - Pre-game 
7:00pm - Kick-Off
9:30pm - Approximate end of game (HC court announced at end)
9:45pm - Approximate return and pick-up at CHS (return time is variable depending 
On the speed of game play)

It will be hot on Friday and it is a long day, so please start hydrating now, and make 
Sure to eat regularly scheduled, balanced, healthy meals. We will be eating after the 
Parade, but I would encourage everyone to bring a light snack to eat between school
And call time. Granola bars will be available as well.