Kenowa Hills Invite Itinerary and Info

Below you will find the itinerary and info for the Kenowa Hills “Knight Time Classic” 
invitational this  Saturday, Sept. 28, 2019.

Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.  If you’ve never been to a marching 
Invitational before you will be pleased to be a part of an audience that appreciates and
Cares for every student on the field (even if they aren’t from the same school!)  Ticket 
prices are $7.00 for adults, $5.00 for students and senior citizens, and $25.00 for a family. 
Children five and under are admitted free.


We are in need of volunteers for riding the bus, uniforms, pit crew, snacks and water, etc.

9:00am - Band Room Opens 
9:15am - Colorguard and Drumline Section warm-ups
10:00am - Full Band Rehearsal/Warm-Up at CHS 
11:00am - Load Trailer and Change into Uniforms (bring a sack lunch to eat)
12:00pm -Depart CHS for Kenowa Hills
12:45pm - Arrive at Kenowa Hills/unload trailer
1:15pm - Warm-Up
1:45pm - Move to staging Area
2:00pm - Perform
2:15pm - Return to trailer and load equipment
2:45pm - Return to stadium for last few bands and awards
3:30pm - Approximate Load busses and return to CHS
4:15pm - Approximate return to CHS/Unload Trailer/Return Uniforms
4:30pm - Approximate pick-up time (please park in parking lot)

Full Uniform.  Wear your black season shirt under your jacket. 
Wear tall black socks, no logos.
Wear your marching shoes!