Friday Football Update - Final Info

Below is a fully updated schedule for our Friday Football game from beginning 
To end.  Please note call time changes and post kick-off information.

3:15pm - Uniform Room Opens
4:00pm - Call Time - RTP in full uniform
4:25pm - March to Stadium
4:52pm - Pre-Game
5:00pm - Kick-Off
5:50pm - Approx. Half-Time
6:05pm - Approx. End of Half-Time - Return to CHS 
6:15pm - Return Uniforms/Done

As always we need lots of help! If you are free at the new earlier times
Please consider helping if you are free.  This could be the opportunity
You have been looking for!

Bring a snack or food for after school so you can eat a least a snack 
Prior to call time.

Full Uniform - Don’t forget tall plain black socks and your show shirt!