Itinerary Updates

There are several updates for our events this Friday that you need to know
About.  Please read carefully.

We thank you again for your Patience, Flexibility and Understanding, as we adjust 
Schedules and timeframes to make events work as best as they can given
Circumstances that our out of our control.

-Senior Night Parent recognition - This would normally take place prior to the game
On Friday. Due to the early kick-off and the fact that Senior Band parents would need 
to arrive At 4pm we have decided to do this recognition at the indoor concert on Tuesday. 
The seniors and I discussed this in class and feel this is the best way for our seniors 
and their parents to get the recognition they deserve.

-Band Bash - Again due to the early start time I have decided to have Band Bash 
Prior to the indoor marching band concert on Tuesday.  Arrive a bit early, grab some food
And enjoy the concert in the comfort of the FAC at 7! Final Timeframes soon.

-Friday football game/8th grade night - We will follow the same basic itinerary we have for our
Previous 5pm kick-off starts.  Call time will be 4pm this Friday so we have time to practice with
The 8th graders.

Have a great week!