Communication Remind

Please make sure you sign-up for our remind text messages. 
We won’t over message you, but it is important that we have an
efficient fast way to communicate with students and parents.  This
will be especially important this year when things are changing often.

Due to the number of families involved in the Marching Band we
have two Remind groups, one for parents, and one for students. 
(Both will get the same messages, our free account limits group
sizes so I had to split it up in this way)

Parents: Click here to join now
OR text the number 81010 with the message: @fsmb20par
OR Click here for other options/instructions if that link didn’t work for you

Students: Click here to Join Now
OR text the number 81010 with the message: @fsmb20
OR Click here for other options/instructions if those didn’t work for you