Our first home game of the season is this Thursday, Sept. 2!
We need volunteers for uniforms and pit crew. Click below to sign-up.
*If charms asks for a school code it is “caledoniaband”
4:15pm - Band Room Opens
4:30pm - Drumline Warm-Ups/ColorGuard Warm-Ups
5:00pm - Uniform Room Opens for changing
5:45pm - RTP (ready to play) on Practice Field in Full Uniform
6:30pm - March to Stadium
6:53pm - Pre-Game Performance
7:00pm - Kick-Off
9:15pm - Approximate game end and march back to school
9:30pm - Approximate Pick-Up
Full Uniform. If you have not tried on your Marching Shoes yet please do so.
Don’t forget Full Length black socks (no logos or stripes)