Happy Homecoming Week! Friday is going to be a busy day of performances for the band. Detailed itinerary is being finalized, but students will need to be prepared to stay after school to get ready.
-Rehearsal Monday Night. 7-9pm Drumline and Guard start at 6.
-Homecoming - Calapalooza, Parade and Football, oh my! Band Boosters will be providing Dinner for all students on Friday. Detailed itinerary to follow, but plan on 3-9:30. Volunteer sign-up coming shortly once the itinerary is finalized!
-MERCH and WREATHS! Stock up on awesome Cal Bands Merch and also beautiful handmade holiday wreaths! (limited quantities of wreaths available, order now!) CLICK HERE FOR THE STORE!
-THANK YOU to everyone who made our annual scrap metal drive a success by either volunteering or bringing scrap.
Rehearsals this week:
September 20 - Rehearsal - 7pm-9pm - Guard and Drumline at 6.
Performances/Events this week:
Sept. 24 - Homecoming Performances - 3-9:45(approx) - details to follow
Upcoming Performances*/Rehearsals/Events:
Click Here to see the full calendar.
If charms asks for a school code it is: caledoniaband
Click link above for calendar.
Interesting Links: