Hastings Itinerary Oct. 2

Below is the minute by minute  itinerary for our performance at the Hastings Invitational on Saturday Oct. 2


2:00pm - Rehearsal/Warm-up on practice field

3:15pm - Load Semi (Semi Departs at 4:30)

3:45pm - Dinner/Change into uniform

4:45pm - Depart CHS via Bus for Hastings HS

5:30pm - Arrive at Hastings HS

6:00pm - Warm-up

6:30pm - Move to Staging Area

6:45pm - PERFORM

7:00pm - Load equipment

7:30pm - return to stands - watch 3 bands

8:45pm - Awards

9:15pm - Approximate Departure for CHS (remind text will be sent upon departure to parents)

10:00pm - Approximate arrival at CHS/Unload/change

10:15pm Approximate pick-up time


We will need help in several areas including Bus Chaperones, Uniforms, Pit Crew, Snacks, Water, etc.  Click Here to Volunteer!


Parents, family and friends are encouraged to come to hastings and cheer on the band!  Tickets are $6 for adults and $5 for seniors and students.  Click here for a map.