Homecoming Reminders!

-Please Remember to drop off any food/water donations for Friday at the Band Room or Front Office on Thursday.  Thank You!  

-There are still several openings for uniform collection on Friday.  The more help we have the faster it goes!  Click Here to see how you can help and sign-up!

-Below is the itinerary for Friday that was sent out in a previous email

Have a Great Day!


Friday September 30 Homecoming Parade and Game Day  Itinerary

Homecoming is one of our busiest days!  We will be performing for the Pep Assembly during the school day, Calapalooza on our way to the parade, the parade and the game!  We are going to need some food donations and volunteers to make this busy day awesome for our kids! Click Here to see how you can help and sign-up! - (Note: Please drop off any food donations by Thursday either at the band room or the Main entrance office of the school)

2:36pm - School Releases - Snacks/water available in band room

2:45pm - Uniform Room Opens

3:30pm - RTP (ready to play)  in Full Uniform - Line Up and March to Calapalooza

3:55pm - Calapalooza Performance

4:10pm - March to Parade Staging/Break - Water and Snacks available

5:00pm- Homecoming Parade

5:45pm - Dinner (Pizza at Track/in bleachers)

6:52pm- Pregame Performance

7:00pm - Kick-Off

9:15pm - Approximate game ending/Return to Band Room

9:30pm - Approximate Arrival at Band Room/Change

9:45pm - Approximate Pick-Up Time

Note: Calapalooza is a Caledonia Education Foundation (CEF) fundraiser…The CEF has supported the bands with funds for Instruments and equipment many times throughout the years.  Please consider supporting Calapalooza as part of your homecoming day!