October 15 Allendale Invitational Itinerary

Here is the travel and performance itinerary for the Allendale Marching Band Invitational on Saturday October 15.

Because this is a morning performance and we have a home football game the night before have done our best to keep our timeline compact.


7:30am - Call Time - Load Semi

8:00am - Change into Uniform/Inspection

8:30am - Depart CHS for Allendale HS

9:15am - Arrive Allendale HS/Unload

10:00am - Warm-Up

10:30am - Move to Staging

10:45am - PERFORM

11:00am - Watch Last Band Perform

11:20am - Awards

11:30am - Load Semi

11:45am - Depart Allendale for CHS

12:30pm - Approx. Arrive at CHS Unload and Change

12:45pm - Approx. Pick-Up Time


Volunteers will be needed for Uniforms, Pit Crew, Bus Chaperones, etc.  Click Here to Volunteer!


Parents, Friends and family are encouraged to attend!  I will send ticket information as soon as I receive it. Click Here for a Map