Please Read the information below and fill out this Waver.  It only takes 30 seconds to complete, but is REQUIRED, so Please fill this out as soon as you see this message.  If you do not fill this out you will NOT be allowed to perform.  

Parent Volunteers will also be required to fill this out.  We will only be allowed 10 Staff/volunteers/chaperones/nonstudents, etc.  I will be contacting individuals later today.

In the School Affiliation section please enter “Caledonia Band”

Per Ford Field’s policy, every adult & student that will be on the field at any point MUST have a waiver filled out. This includes all administration, coaches, players, cheerleaders, band members, etc. Parents must fill out for minors.

I have attached a link that EVERY SINGLE one of your band members and 10 chaperones needs to fill out in order to be on the field.

The form is pretty self explanatory, but in the School Affiliation section please enter:  Caledonia Band

This will be the same for your chaperones also.  

This needs to be completed by Monday at 3pm.