Announcements Week of Aug 28

Here are your announcements for the week of August 28.

This Week: 

-Monday Aug 28 - Rehearsal 6pm-8pm.  (Drumline at Colorguard start at 5)

-Wednesday Aug 30 - Colorguard Section 6-9pm

-Friday Sept 1 - Home Football Game Vs. North Farmington (Itinerary Below)


Remember to look at the calendar regularly…you can also follow the instructions at the above link to Sync the band calendar with your own.

Jazz Band: Jazz Band Starts this week for those interested in this class. It is a class that students receive grades for that meets during 0 Hour on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6:50am-7:30am.  If interested just show up and Mr. Wellfare will take care of the class list and roster assignments.

Friday Football Itinerary Vs. North Farmington:

4:00pm - Band Room Opens

4:30pm - Drumline Warm-Up

5:00pm - Uniform Room Opens 

5:45pm - RTP (ready to play) on practice field in Full Uniform

6:30pm - Marching to Stadium

6:50pm - Pre-Game!

7:00pm - Kickoff

*9:15pm - Approximate end of game and March band to Band Room to Change

*9:45pm - Approximate Pick-Up Time

*Please note that these times are approximate due to the pace of each game being different. 


If you are going to help..PLEASE actually sign-up.  We appreciate it when people just show up to help without their name on the list, but we need to keep track of our volunteers.  Please actually put your name on the sign-ups so we can accurately track our volunteer force, and so our directors can sleep and night knowing jobs will be taken care of. 

It Takes a lot of help to do what we do.  Click Here to volunteer on Friday



We need help with Uniform Distribution and Collection. Distribution is easy, help them find where they are hung and troubleshoot any issues that come up. Collection after the game involves inspection of parts to make sure they are correctly hanging in their bags for storage. We train for all jobs!

Pit Crew:

This involves moving and setting up front ensemble equipment, props, PA, etc.  This is a critical job for volunteers so our students can focus on performing!  We have a great dedicated crew who are our regulars, but many hands make light work.  Also, because of the nature of this job having a consistent crew of volunteers is very helpful…if you are able to help at all of our performances that would be great.