Day 1 Reminders and Help!

We had a great first day of Band Camp!  This is the most important week of the year for Marching Band, and staying healthy is critical!  Keep Drinking water, and please make sure you eat good meals.  Parents, please continue to positively encourage and support your student even at their most tired/sore/grumpy (and they will be tired/sore/grumpy this week!)

-A few reminders:

-Band Camp (like CHS) is closed campus - students are not to leave at any point during the day

-An extra change of clothes or socks/shoes could be helpful…We do our best to keep students out of the weather, but Marching Band is an outdoor activity…

-If your student got hungry during rehearsal, it’s okay to bring a snack for breaks (just avoid items that will melt)

-Avoid soda and energy drinks

HELP!  Our parent food coordinator needs help at meal times!  She is superhuman, but she really can’t do it by herself.  PLEASE consider signing up to help at lunch if you are free! Click to sign-up


Wednesday (also need a GrillMaster! - Charcoal Grill provided)


Looking forward to another great day on Tuesday!