Uniform Reminders

Please note the following uniform reminders for all band members.  Parents, please help your students plan for this if needed.  


  • Long Hair must be UP and off of the collar at all times.  This includes short pony tails or any stragglers of hair that might fall down.  
  • Long Bangs must also be UP in the shako.  
  • If you do not wear a shako (Front Ensemble) your Hair must also be UP and off of your collar.  

Please plan accordingly to have the supplies for this and ask for help if needed


  • No part of the uniform or storage bag is to touch the ground for any reason
  • Uniforms must remain ON and FULLY ZIPPED, BUTTONED, ETC the ENTIRE time we are together - This Includes Breaks and when we are sitting in the stands.
  • Students are not to touch or adjust their plumes - we have wonderful volunteers to do this for them.

Thank you for helping our band look UNIFORM at all times.