Below are your Marching Band Announcements for the week of October 5.
-The band will be performing this Friday! There are still many restrictions
And details are being finalized, but the full band will be performing our show live sometime
Between 4:30 and 5:15 for our Band Families in the stadium. This performance will be
recorded and Played during the livestream at half-time. Due to continuing restrictions on
Attendance the full band will not be staying for the game, however, we will have a
Smaller group of students that will stay to play as a pep band. Thank you to Mr. Lienesch
For helping us to work out the details and for allowing this to happen. We will have a
Final itinerary and more details Monday which should answer any questions you may have.
-Holiday Wreath Sale Ends Tuesday! - Click here for details
Rehearsals this week:
Oct. 5 - Marching Band Rehearsal - 7pm-9pm - CHS (percussion/Guard start at 6)
Performances/Events this week:
Oct. 9 - Football Vs. Hudsonville - Approximate time-frame for full band 4-6pm
Upcoming Performances*/Rehearsals/Events:
Click Here to see the full calendar.
Click link above for calendar.
Interesting Links: