Senior Night Info and RSVP

Dear Senior Families,

It is hard to believe that our last regular season home football game is this Friday, which means it is Senior night!  

Prior to the Game on Friday Oct. 21 we will be recognizing all Band, Cheer and Football Seniors and their parents/guardians.

Please click here and  complete this RSVP Form by no later than Wednesday at 2pm.  We will send home tickets with your senior based on the RSVP list on Friday.


6:00pm - Parents arrive at the SOUTH side of the track.  Your seniors will come from the high school and meet you and you will all line up in Alphabetical Order by last name. 

6:10/15pm - Names are announced.  As they announce your name you will walk across the track and have your picture taken!

6:45pm - They may be asking senior parents to help create the tunnel on the field for the team to run through...I have not heard final confirmation on this yet, but will let you know as soon as I hear anything.

My apologies for not getting this information out to you sooner.